
Version Release Date Description
Version 1.1.3 2024-07-12 Update:
1. Update looging system for input data error.
2. BUG fix for ldsc script.
3. The effect_allele_frequency column has been changed from mandatory to optional in our harmonization pipeline.
4. Fix ldsc munge_sumstats.py log message missing issue.
Version 1.1.2 2024-03-03 Update:
1. Add more datasets for LAVA analysis: Neale Lab, FinnGen, UKB Oxford, BIG-KP, UKB-PPP Proteins, GWAS Catalog.
2. Users may run LAVA analysis with a limit of 10 specific traits for each job, excluding the PGC and Brain disorders dataset.
Version 1.1.1 2024-02-07 Update:
1. Add customized options for both massive analysis and pairwise analysis.
2. Allow users to reuse previous parameter settings in massive analysis.
3. Add the CHIMGEN dataset for LDSC, SumHer, and Popcorn analysis.
Version 1.1.0 2024-01-07 Major Update:
1. Data Harmonization in BIGA: BIGA now offers data harmonization services for the input summary statistics data. This process is aligned with the standards set by the GWAS Catalog.
2. Expanded Analysis Methods: Analysis methods now expanded to include LDSC, SumHer, LAVA, and Popcorn.Users can now conduct both Massive analysis and pairwise analysis.
3. Integration of Curated GWAS Catalog Dataset: A curated dataset from the GWAS Catalog has been added to BIGA.
4. Enhanced BIGA Log File: The log file for BIGA has been optimized to provide complete records of all activities and operations within the BIGA system.
Version 1.0.0 2023-03-07 The first version was released.

Maintenance Plan

We are committed to regularly enhancing our platform with the latest methods and data resources. Our plan includes biannual updates for BIGA.